Recent Publications
(click on the title to get to the article page; lab members highlighted)
Increasing global urban exposure to flooding: an analysis of long-term annual dynamics
Wenting Cao, Yuyu Zhou, Burak Güneralp, Xuecao Li, Kaiguang Zhao, Huaguo Zhang.
Science of the Total Environment 817: 153012, 2022.
Infrastructure Development with(out) Ecological Conservation: the Northern Forests in Ä°stanbul
Burak Güneralp, Xunwei Xu, Weiying Lin
Regional Environmental Change 21: 86, 2021.
Industrial Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth: A spatio-temporal analysis across
Prefecture-Level Cities in China from 1999 to 2014
Wencong Cui, Jianyi Li, Wangtu Xu, Burak Güneralp
Energy 222: 119932, 2021.
Limited effects of tree planting on forest canopy cover and rural livelihoods in Northern India
Coleman EA, B Schultz, V Ramprasad, H Fischer, P Rana, AM Filippi, B Güneralp, A Ma, C Rodriguez
Solorzano, V Guleria, R Rana, F Fleischman
Nature Sustainability, 2021.
A global horizon scan of the future impacts of robotics and autonomous systems on urban
Dallimer M, M Goddard, Z Davies, S Guenat, M Ferguson, A Akanni, T Ahjokoski, P Anderson,
F Angeoletto, C Antoniou, A Bates, A Barkwith, A Berland, J Fisher, C Bouch, C Rega-Brodsky,
L Byrne, D Cameron, R Canavan, T Chapman, S Connop, S Crossland, M Dade, D Dawson, C Dobbs,
C Downs, E Ellis, F Escobedo, N Gulsrud, B Güneralp, A Hahs, J Hale, C Hassall, M Hedblom,
D Hochuli, T Inkinen, I-C Ioja, D Kendall, T Knowland, I Kowarik, S Langdale, S Lerman,
I MacGregor-Fors, P Manning, P Massini, S McLean, D Mkwambisi, A Ossola, G P Luque,
L Pérez-Urrestarazu, K Perini, G Perry, T Pett, K Plummer, R Radji, U Roll, S Potts, H Rumble,
J Sadler, S de Saille, S Sautter, C Scott, A Shwartz, R Snep, C Soulsbury, M Stanley, T Van de Voorde,
S Venn, P Warren, C-L Washbourne, M Whitling, N Williams, J Yang, K Yeshitela, K Yocom
Nature Ecology & Evolution 5: 219-230, 2021.
Scale-free structure of surface-water connectivity within a lowland river floodplain
Cesar R Castillo, Ä°nci Güneralp, Billy U Hales, Burak Güneralp
Geophysical Research Letters 47(16): e2020GL088378, 2020.
Trends in urban land expansion, density, and land transitions from 1970-2010: a global synthesis
Burak Güneralp, Meredith Reba, Billy U Hales, Elizabeth A Wentz, Karen C Seto
Environmental Research Letters 15(4): 044015, 2020.
The growing impacts of cities on biodiversity: research gaps limit global decision-making
McDonald RI, AV Mansur, F Ascensão, M Colbert, K Crossman, T Elmqvist, A Gonzalez, B Güneralp,
D Haase, M Hamann, O Hillel, K Huang, B Kant, D Maddox, A Pacheco, H Pereira, K Seto, R Simkin,
B Walsh, C Ziter
Nature Sustainability 3:16-24, 2020.
Pitfalls of Tree Planting Show Why We Need People-Centered Natural Climate Solutions
Fleischman F, S Basant, A Chhatre, EA Coleman, HW Fischer, D Gupta, B Güneralp, P Kashwan,
D Khatri, R Muscarella, JS Powers, V Ramprasad, P Rana, CR Solorzano, JW Veldman
BioScience 70(11): 947-950, 2020.
A review of driving factors, scenarios, and topics in urban land-change models
Youjung Kim, Galen Newman, Burak Güneralp
Social segregation of ecosystem services delivery in the San Antonio region, Texas, through 2050
Hoonchong Yi, Urs Kreuter, Daikwon Han, Burak Güneralp
Science of the Total Environment 667: 234-247, 2019.
Conservation priorities to protect vertebrate endemics from global urban expansion
Robert I. McDonald, Burak Güneralp, Chun-Wei Huang, Karen C. Seto, Mingde You
Biological Conservation 224: 290-299, 2018.
Global Urbanization: Perspectives and Trends
Dagmar Haase, Burak Güneralp, Bharat Dahiya, Xuemei Bai, Thomas Elmqvist
The Urban Planet: Knowledge towards Livable Cities, pp 19-44, 2018
Spatial and temporal changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services in the San Antonio River
Basin, Texas, from 1984 to 2010
Hoonchong Yi, Burak Güneralp, Urs P. Kreuter, Ä°nci Güneralp and Anthony M. Filippi
Science of the Total Environment 619–620: 1259-1271, 2018
Urbanization in Africa: challenges and opportunities for conservation
Burak Güneralp, Shuaib Lwasa, Hilary Masundire, Susan Parnell, Karen C. Seto
Environmental Research Letters 13(015002), 2017
Global scenarios of urban density and its impacts on building energy use through 2050
Burak Güneralp, Yuyu Zhou, Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, Mukesh Gupta, Sha Yu, Pralit L. Patel, Michail
Fragkias, Xiaoma Li, Karen C. Seto
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(34): 8945–8950, 2017
Future urban land expansion and implications for global croplands
Christopher Bren d’Amour, Femke Reitsma, Giovanni Baiocchi, Stephan Barthel, Burak Güneralp,
Karl-Heinz Erb, Helmut Haberl, Felix Creutzig, Karen C. Seto
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(34): 8939–8944, 2017
Impacts of land change on ecosystem services in the San Antonio River Basin, Texas, from 1984
Hoonchong Yi, Burak Güneralp, Anthony M. Filippi, Urs Kreuter, Ä°nci Güneralp
Ecological Economics 135: 125–135, 2017
urban sustainability, burakgunralp-udas.co